The VESPA Framework

What if we could reimagine a world where the limits are taken off emerging talent? Where the leaders of tomorrow are equipped with the skills they need today, making a meaningful difference in the organisations and world they operate in.

VESPA Framework is used by emerging leaders to establish well-founded goals, strategies to achieve them, and methods to navigate through adversity. The framework covers essential leadership skills, including communication, building a positive culture, and developing responsible and effective use of technology. Throughout the workshop (or keynote) the audience is invited to give structure to their ambition and create a pool of motivation to tap into in good times and challenging times.

VESPA is an acronym for Values, End State, Specific Goals, Plan, Action.

Values are at the heart of the VESPA framework. They are the guiding principles that drive an individual or organization, and they help us define what is important and crucially, what is not. In the Vespa framework, values are established first to create a solid foundation for all future planning, and to provide motivation for when times get tough.

The End State is your desired future state informed by an individual's or organization's values. It should be taken to the extreme. A utopian vision for the future. It is a vivid and sensory description of what your immediate environment could look like if the values just determined were being lived out perfectly. This step helps create a clear picture of the direction.

Specific Goals are then found by simply subtracting your current state from your End State. Where are the gaps between where you are today, and the utopia you imagined? In this space, we find the perfect type of goals. These goals are based on the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) system (ironic right), which ensures they are appropriate and have the boundaries requrired to succeed.

Then, we move on to the Plan. We carefully construct a roadmap that outlines the steps that individuals or organisations need to take to achieve their Specific Goals. This takes into account more than just step by step instructions. Importantly, we prepare for when things can go wrong. A good plan is the best antidote to adversity.

Finally, Action is the step where individuals or organizations execute their Plan to achieve their Specific Goals. The actions should be consistent with the Plan and align with the organization's or individual's values. In here we discuss tapping into the motivation pool with your team, tips to high performance and the tool aviators use to deal with adversity.

The VESPA Framework is a complete tool for taking emerging leaders from unsure of where to go, to having a complete plan for high performance. It can be used in ANY environment from schools to large organisations to personal projects. You can ride this machine anywhere.